Monday, October 31, 2011

Mad Monday

Well, no, I'm not mad, at least not angry mad, maybe a little crazy, over-the-edge mad? Gotta chuckle, or I would go 'mad'. Anyway, while it's still Monday. I had no changes in my fabric ratio of in or out, unless you count the yard or so that's old & has a few holes in it - I used it in my first quilt - that I set aside to maybe use to make quilted pads for my favorite veterinarian - she only cares for cats, so I won't be posting about it at Judy's.

The morning was spent taking Nick to school, then to my PT appt, working a crossword puzzle while waiting in my car for the appt. time and listening to my favorite Christian radio station. Actually, it's the only Christian station I can get, and I do like it. Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusade fame is on while I'm taking Nick to school, and then it's Family Life Today. Later in the day is music. I also had my latest CD addition...the newest Chris Tomlin one, to listen to. Love it!

After PT, grumble, grumble...told me not to use my rotary cutter...grumble, grumble...because it puts the wrong movement on the part of my wrist that still needs to heal...grumble,'d think 12 weeks would have been enough healing time...grumble, grumble...oh, I got side-tracked...after PT, went to Lowe's for what I'd hoped to be the final components for my stash closet, but they didn't have the end caps to the closet rod so thought I'd check out The Home Depot. They didn't have them either. So I bought the wall bracket that the rod can set in at one end at least for now. I did notice though that HDs prices were about 50 cents cheaper per item, oh well, too late now. I'll know for the next room/closet update. While still at Lowe's I also had to do a quick-plan-change as the brackets and uprights style I was using wasn't carried in 8" and for the side wall, I'm using 8" laminate boards, so on another aisle, found some that would work. They're very similar, just 'single' slotted as opposed to the double-slotted for the bigger boards. I didn't get any of it installed today though.

After those stores, it was off to Trader Joe's. Why did Nick go through the better part of 2 gallons of milk in less than a week? Guess that's what's helping him get so tall! Actually, come to think of it, I slipped TJs in there between the two hardware stores leaving the milk in the car for all of about 10 minutes while at HD. Then when I got home, I had a bunch of chores to do, so worked on some of them. And I forgot to stop and pick up cat litter.

Then I went back to pick Nick up at 3:00 and as it turns out, seems 'just in time' as later in the early news it was reported there was a shooting about a mile from the school, and then via email, the school stated they'd gone into lock-down at 3:00, so he must've gotten out just before they locked-down and had gotten to the car and off we went.

And lastly, we went to see the movie Courageous tonight. So much better than hanging around the house and doling out candy to little munchkins...I'm sure their dentists appreciate that it will now be ME who eats it instead. I enjoyed the movie, though it seemed a little slow at's message was far more important and was delivered very well. No one told me to make sure I had my tissues with me though. Yes, there's a very sad part to the storyline, so if you see it, take your tissues!! Good night :)

1 comment:

  1. Courageous was a great movie! I want to see October Baby, too. I'm sorry to hear the news on your wrist vs. the rotary cutter. Bummer! :)


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