Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Refreshment

Pastor John was back today. We have such great teachers at our church and Pastor John was gone a lot during the summer with commitments to other churches and conferences, was then back but intermittently gone including last Sunday. He's pastored our church for 45 years. He's exposited the entire New Testament verse by verse during that time. He's presently teaching on the Holy Spirit with a series entitled "The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit". He gave part 6 today! Our fellowship group's pastor has been teaching on the atonement, it was part 4. Can I say our pastors dig deep? And for that, our congregation and others are truly blessed.

On the first Sunday in December we always have The Master's College Chorale and Orchestra present the music worship. It's always superb. Some of their music can be heard here (hehe, I first typed: hear!)

And on the way to and from church we listened to a Casting Crowns Christmas CD which has I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day , a remake of the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and it's traditionally rendered tune. Here's the story behind the original poem. I totally love this new version and it brings tears to my eyes when I listen to it, and forget about trying to recite the poem. I'm not sure what generates my tears, but they just come; perhaps from the despair of wars, perhaps the despair of knowing the real war is a Spiritual one for the very hearts of man; perhaps knowing that the road to Heaven is narrow yet wide is the gate that leads to eternal damnation and separation from our loving Father.

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