I have not been very energetic today. And since I wasn't, I spent the better part of the day thus far, de-cluttering and organizing my email account. You read right, my
email account. My main email account I've had for about 13 years and even with all good intentions to delete as I go, it's amazing how much stuff stays in the account. I'm sure there's still way too much stuff, but I've now transferred most of the 'saved' emails into separate folders as needed which will make it that much easier to go through and glean the info I truly want to save, most of which pertains to genealogy records and family happenings.
Now having done that, I just remembered it's Design Wall Monday and I haven't even looked at a single blog today! So I'll do my post and then browse for awhile.
On my design wall, er, the dining room wall which is subbing for the design wall in its absence, is exactly what I posted about yesterday, or was it Saturday? Told ya', not very energetic today so I'm not going to look back a day or two. Anyway, it's this:
Tesselating Ts, McCall's Quick Quilts November 2005 |
I did finish the last row and have taped it to the wall too but it isn't in this photo, and I'm thinking I'll leave the rows that I'd already sewn together as they are after all. It's a scrappy quilt and that's how scrappy quilts are, scrappy, not 'designed'. The pattern calls for a 2" (finished) border, so will need to pick the fabric for that once I sew the rows together. Maybe I'll have reached that point by next Monday. Or I'll have worked on something else, hah, maybe even nothing at all. Oh, and I need to decide on a NewFO for August while I'm at it. I certainly saw plenty of possibilities in my new books and magazines.
Linking up at
Patchwork Times. I wonder what everyone else is showing today?