I brought my wonderful, lovely daughter into this world. I can't believe it's been 30 years already (as of 11/3 -- I forgot to finish and post this!). I planned to put a pic of her from when she was born, but I'd have to find one, then scan it, then crop it, etc. and I find that a bit difficult right now, so I'll post this one of her (and I) that was taken just before her wedding in 2008, and I don't have a lot of photos of her already on my computer. I love this girl...woman! There may be some things that I'd like to see change in her life (I'll keep praying) but she's a wonderful young lady, she graduated from college 2 years ago and worked very hard to do so with little to no assistance from me (except for encouragement) and little from her dad. She and I have a great relationship even if we do disagree in some areas, like parenting...she and her husband now have a 14 month old little boy...my first and only grandchild. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together during her childhood, but that's a story for another time. We don't get to spend a lot of time together now, and once went 5 years in between visits...only because of the geographical distance (about 1100 miles) which was WAY too long. We talk on the phone often, we're friends as well as mother/daughter. Have I said I
LOVE this woman?!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 'VICTORIA' ! You will always be my 'baby' and will always have my love.
Oh, what sweet post and sweet picture! Happy birthday to your Victoria! :)