Monday, October 28, 2013

Misc. Monday Happenings

  • Marty has another surgery today, with check-in time at 11:30 this morning.  This one requires an overnight stay.  He's concerned about the after-surgery pain and results.  This is nothing life-threatening, but could give him days or weeks of discomfort.  Please pray all goes well.
  • Marty also still needs to be looking for work, even if it's at a much lower pay rate than what he was earning or even out of state, or out of the area.  
  • Our financial adviser thinks we'll be "ok" at retirement.  But that's still a few years away, so it's a life-style change until that job comes in.
  • Local news station says we're going to be slammed by rain and snow (snow @ 5,000 feet).  The reality: cloudy, with a 10% - 40% chance of rain through today. When I hear the dramatic "slammed" by weather, I think things like hurricanes, not a spit of rain.  Well, I have my views of the media anyway, but I'll leave that for a soapbox offering some other time.
  •  I won't be able to meet with my quilt student again this week.  She has a home-school activity on our usual meet-up day, and not knowing what time Marty gets released from the hospital tomorrow, I couldn't reschedule for then.
  • I'm way behind on housework, Nick asked for clean jeans yesterday...I still forgot to do them...oops!
  • Nick needs to learn to do the laundry....and many other things.
  • So does Marty.
  • My daughter has a birthday coming'd that happen?  Doesn't seem that long ago.
  • Last night's dinner was a Hamburger Helper Macaroni and Cheese in which I substituted sliced hot dogs in lieu of the burger and only half the amount at that.  Marty voiced that it was great.  Would be nice if he acknowledged my "from scratch" cooking that way.  I am a good cook and others have acknowledged that over the years.  Guess I'll just take it with a grain of salt, which is how I found the be...too salty.

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