Saturday, July 27, 2013

Flying Decades!

Today was a milestone for me.  I have officially completed six decades on this planet!  It doesn't seem possible.  I remember as a little girl, thinking forward to the year 2000 and how that was SO far away and wondering if I'd live to be "that old"!  I was sure I wouldn't, but here I am and thinking it's impossible that I've reached that old age.  Frankly, I'd be doing fine with this age if it wasn't for the extra poundage, I call it being "fluffy", hehe, and all those ridiculous aches and pains that seemingly came out of nowhere when I reached the half-century mark a decade ago.  

Lord willing, I'll reach beyond another decade or two and get a lot more quilts quilted and done.  When I get home from vacation and get 're-settled' I'll get caught up on my blogging.  As it is, Nick and I managed to wipe out my aunt's allotted internet time so I'm at my mom's for a few hours and using her internet.  I didn't know there were caps on internet time, but now we know.  You need to understand that Nick brought his monster-computer with us and has spent far too much time on it while my aunt and I were out doing some other things.  He could have stayed home in the dry land for that! but he was, and still is, quite sure he wanted to be here in the wet land, which by the way, has been perfectly dry the entire 24 days we've been here - boo, hiss, we wanted at least some clouds with a few sprinkles here and there, didn't happen!

On Monday, I'll be headed home to see if I can even get into my 'new' quilt room, it may take time, but there's always the dining room to work in.

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