Monday, July 1, 2013

1, no 2, wait 3, oh my 4!

Today while I attempted to get laundry and things done so I can pack my suitcases, I kept getting distracted.  Fairly early, I looked out my kitchen window, and had to take a picture.  There was this,

that's 1, and then there was this,

that's 2,  and I had walked outside before even seeing the laser eyes and wanted to take a picture of this,

this is not 3, but a rather very wee strawberry growing in what is supposed to be the back lawn.  The pretty little berry is only about the size of my tiny little pinky finger nail...I have small it's probably not much more than 1/4 - 3/8" in size.  So after this berry shot I came in the house to do aforesaid chores and managed to take a couple of brief videos of other distractions,

Kitties and a bird at the feeder

I think that's 3, the white one, barely visible.  And there was this, but it's not 4,

At the nest are the babies, the second batch this year, almost ready to fly...

And then through all this, Nick decides that he needs to pack his computer, his big computer so that he can go to Tino's and they can spend the night together and have their annual July 2 day to do whatever they want - this is their tradition, and what they're doing, as he is now over there and they had themselves set up before I left to return home....I was chatting with Tino's mom who was showing me their new master bathroom, nice! anyway, what they did was set their monitors up back to back and sitting across from their respective monitors, with their headphones on, playing their war-games, Call of Duty I think it is.  They play together via link ups almost daily, but they had to be under the same roof, at the same table.  These boys are funny!  It was 8:30 p.m. before I could take him to Tino's as Tino had a 4-H meeting and they couldn't take Nick along.

While we were waiting to go to Tino's, I needed to fix dinner too, so Nick said he wanted mac & cheese, home made, huh? Since when home made? He never liked the home made type.  I'll keep that for a separate post as I remembered to take pictures since the camera was downstairs taking pictures of cats and birds all day anyway, lol.

It was then 9:30 before I got back home and was able to sit down to spend a few minutes chatting with Marty who had worked late not getting home until around 8:00.  At one point I looked over out the slider thinking I saw something on the patio and sure enough, after turning on the lights, a couple of the kitties were down nibbling on a handful of kibble I'd thrown out earlier.  So I got a pie tin and put some more kibble in it and set it out just a few feet from the door leaving the slider open a few inches but the screen closed. (Raven & Flame are strictly indoor kitties so didn't want them to escape.)  I looked back over and wait, what? there's four, yes, that's FOUR kittens, and none were the mama - oh MY!  Four feral babies of a feral mama.  And here I thought this was the mama the neighbor across the street had told me he had trapped and spayed!  He was either mistaken or I completely heard him wrongly.

This last video is the least clear of all, and I do apologize for the video quality - It was dark, and I have only my little point & shoot digital.  Here's the 4 feeding, though only the white one is mostly visible.  Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't be feeding them so close to where the baby bird is likely going to 'fall' from the nest in the next day or two...

The kitties are cute, but do I really want that many ferals hanging around...again.  We've been this route before back before Nick was born, and they were so sickly after awhile that I did capture three, which is all that remained after several litters.  One became our Monster cat, tamed and much loved, who spent his days indoors and his nights out and last came home on 5/31/2011 at the age of 12.  We figure a coyote finally got him.  The other two, his mama and 1/2 sister, were very sickly and as much as it wasn't what I like to do, I took them to the local animal control, where they of course were both put down.  Mama was exceptionally feral and scrappy even in her sickly state.  The other one could barely walk and we'd had her in for a time, but could never tame her so when she let me pick her up outside even, I knew she was in bad shape.

As you can see, there were a lot of distractions today, and these are but a few of the videos I took, along with just watching the kitties play on the back wall through the binoculars.  With this being the first time ever seeing them, I was surprised at how they stayed there, on the wall, all day and then are still hanging around in the back yard even this late at night.  The white one was out by the big ash tree still just a few minutes ago.  I'm guessing the babes are between 2 and 3 months old, probably closer to 3.

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