Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Is Busting Out All Over

That title is a take off of a song from one of my favorite musicals "Carousel". The song is "June is Busting Out All Over" and I've linked it to a video on youtube. My aunt Irene would take my sister and I to see a movie when we were little. And since this came out in 1956, I'd have had to have been awfully little, but still remember going to it. But then, by the time movies made it to our area, it might have been a couple years later! She also took me to see "Oklahoma". I don't know what it is about that one, but I have never been able to watch it without falling asleep, even when it's come on television in recent years.

Here's what's busting out here at our house:These violets have been blooming for quite awhile; I think I've already posted about them once, but I just love them, they're happy little blossoms.
And I posted at one point about not getting my bulbs planted in a timely manner, but they're coming up great guns now and with buds! So I'm happy!
There are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth poking up. Then, over in our terraced area are some freesia. They've never grown with strong stems, and the ants love them too much for me to be able to cut and bring into the house, but they sure are pretty. Ignore all those dead leaves, Marty likes to refer to them as mulch. um, yeah, ok. And I haven't gone out and tried to rake up the even bigger pile of leaves that sits in a corner all winter and'll be there yet in May or June.

And driving around town, trees are blooming and leafing, lawns are even greener and growing, and birds are singing ... a lot... and loudly... and it's a joy to hear them :) I've seen the Western Blue Bird, some little finches in the gold finch line, others I haven't taken the time to identify and the Phoebe. (And I don't know what I did to make this last paragraph show up underlined and in blue! Gotta love my relationship with Blogger ;) of course it probably won't show when I actually post this and I'll feel silly, but it shows as I type and when I look at preview.)

1 comment:

  1. Carousel is a favorite of mine, too!! I love old musicals and movies. And Spring *is* busting out all over!! Oh -- and haha -- underline showed up -- but not the blue! :)


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