Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Tis the Season

This morning during my time of reading God's word, I turned the television on with a local station's "Yule Log". I don't care for all the music selections they put forth so turned the volume off, but the image of logs burning in a fireplace is a very nice background. I'm recording it, as I have in the past at times, in order to have in future days until summer hits and it's unbearable. We have our own fireplace but tend not to use it very often, in fact, it hasn't been cleaned of the ashes since the last time we used it, last Christmas perhaps.

With our kitchen remodel coming up likely early February, we have gone really low on the Christmas decorations and gift giving. I'd like to go even lower on the Christmas dinner - I'd be perfectly happy to do Christmas at Denny's (here's a link to a Randy Stonehill song of that title), but I know Marty and Nick really love having our little, but special Christmas dinner of rib roast, baked potatoes, and whatever sides I add. Rather than a pie this year, I picked up a pre-prepared layered strawberry shortcake cake. If it tastes as good as it looks, I'll be pleased. Clearly, I am cutting back some on my efforts. 

Gifts for the guys are mostly the necessities of life which they are in need of anyway. In fact, Nick's is only a bag of candy with a card for a Christmas I.O.U. shopping trip...he needs new jeans and new tees and it'll work better if he can go and try on and choose colors. 

I do miss so many past years of great festivities and socializing with friends and family, some of whom decorated to the hilt. Most of those folks are gone - in one way or another. Maybe next year will be more festive; when the kitchen is done, and hopefully we have decluttered and cleaned.

I'll 'wrap' this up now, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and whether you celebrate or not, I pray you have peace, and joy, and love and all good things during this holiday season.

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